Saturday, February 13, 2010

We went over to Gold's Gym today to visit our favorite boy!  Woo-hoo, I love lunch dates.

Josh invited us & we felt so special. Invitations like this don't come around too often so we jumped on the offer STAT!

His call went something like this: "Mom I'm going to diiiiiiie!!  I'm soooooo huuunnnngggrrryyyyy!!! I haven't eaten in weeeeeeeeeeks!! OH MY GOD!!!!  Pleeeeeeeeeze come to Gold's and bring me Subway before I Faaaaaaaaaaaaint!! Have you leeeeeeft yet? Huuuuuuurrrrrryyyyyyy!!!!"  Hey, we'll take what we can get.


But when we got to Gold's with his Subway sandwich he wasn't even there! That's ok, I went shopping. Shopping is fun! Then I saw that a pair of track pants were $59.99 so I stopped shopping.


Josh was off getting change for his manager so we waited, and waited, and waited...


There he is! Follow the yellow brick road (or feet) to yo Mama.


SURPRISE! It's Mom & Dad! Glad to see us? His manager (in the back) seems to be. Photobomb!! I really like his manager.


I held his Subway sandwich hostage like any decent Mom would do until I could get pictures of my boy in action.

Photobucket that my Joshie behind the counter? How cute!
(Again, like any decent Mom, I have to humiliate my child really good).


AAAAahhhhhh!!!  PHOTO BOMB!!  HAHA!


Wait....what just happened....


Oh, haha, I get it. NOW go home. Gimme my sandwich, thanks. Bye-bye.


And BAM, just like that Josh banished us to the car to eat our lunch! Wow. That was humiliating. I wonder where he learned that from.

I see where we rank. Makes me kinda, uh, feel like monkey.

Never fear! Anti Monkey Butt is here!!
We went to the hardware store on our way home and surprise, surprise. Just what I've always wanted.

Johnny found the Lady Anti Monkey Butt and bought me a bottle for Valentine's Day.
Did you hear me?
YES, let me repeat that just for clarification.
"He bought me a bottle for Valentine's Day."
And we're still married.
And I still fed him supper tonight.
And he still sleeps in our bed.

My husband can sniff this stuff out, let me tell ya.
Because for the really, really, really bad Monkey Butt days....

You can buy a mega container of Anti Monkey Butt Wipes. 
No, he didn't buy them for me. He knows where I draw the line. And he likes his bed.
I'm married to a hopeless romantic.

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