Thursday, May 13, 2010

I found this image on my computer from a year ago. Johnny and I were out eating Thai food and decided to do a cell phone self portrait at the table. We're weird like that. I'm just missing my best friend this evening so I'm looking at old pics. He had to go to a conference for 5 days. 5 looooooooong days. UGH.

Johnny get your cute butt home!! Life is not the same without you in it. Besides, the coffee pot & I are not on speaking terms. Don't ask. It has crazy buttons that have a mind of their own and I'm not a morning person.....enough said. WHhaaaaaaaaa......


I've kept busy this week without my hubby around. Of course yesterday morning was all about Josh, the Army ~ and...I can't even talk about it. Sorry, still can't. It hasn't sunk in. Nope.

Princess Sophia came over yesterday afternoon to keep me company for a few hours! It helped take my mind off of the crazy stuff bouncing around up there in my freakish skull. And isn't she just the cutest distraction? 


She just turned 2. I'm going to have to buy her a "Little Miss Chatterbox" t-shirt soon.

She's talking up a storm! 


Can I get some jeans like these, please? And would you look at those little feet? Sweet!!


We played in the rain ~ but she stayed dry, don't worry. I didn't. But she did  :o)


Well, hello there, little chickie!


Heart. Be. Still.

My honey comes home tomorrow. Thank God. In a perfect world we would never spend one day apart. Counting down the hours, Johnny! Hurry home!!


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