Sunday, August 8, 2010

One more of Sophia!

One more! I forgot this shot of little Sophia with a little bit of sun flare.

I just love sunny Summer afternoons!


Sophia was looking up at me ~ she melts my

PS ~ Did you notice that I started watermarking my photos? Only my portraits. I belong to several online photog communities, clubs/workshops & blogs and they all strongly suggest watermarking pics; mainly to protect the person in the photo and of course, give credit for your work.

I guess images can be taken and used for fake profiles, ads, someone else's portfolio, etc. So it just makes it a bit harder to use watermarked images. And then if there is question, I own the RAW/NEF image so those will always stay with me. I'm still getting used to it.


What? A bit much? I'm just a bit protective about the people I love. Fine, I'll tone it down some.....I do tend to over do things sometimes.

 Better? Now I've put my "mark" on my favorite photo series from when Liz was here.
Another look at my hubby and his girl ~



 I just think they are so sweet. I'm going to frame this series for my family room.

I feel like I can exhale easier when I'm looking through my world through the lens as well as my rose colored glasses. Though I'm FAR from a professional, it still makes me happy. next camera.....that's another story......aaahhhh, the Nikon D3 dreams I have.....and the things I have to sell on Craigslist before I can take that plunge, haha. That's okay. Johnny won't mind me selling all of his stuff.  :o)


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