Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What They Do

Happy February everyone!
It's the month of L♥♥♥♥♥♥ve.
This month I signed up for a FREE month long mini course called:

by Kelly Willette @ http://www.willettedesigns.com/ 

Here's what her email stated: "Participants will receive daily email prompts/photo assignments with some tutorial/instruction built into the daily email lesson. It is that easy. I email you every morning, and you follow the assignment/prompt if you would like. I will create a public flickr gallery where you can share if you so choose."

I'll do it! I thought, this will be fun, get my creative juices flowing and help me take that Project 365 image of the day also. Anyone want to join me? Go HERE to sign up for The Joy of Love and begin getting your email assignments.

Today's assignment: "WHAT THEY DO"  They, being the ones you love....

Here's the adorable, handsome man that I love. The one who makes me laugh every day and reminds me that I cannot change what I didn't control to begin with....so relax. He's my "chill pill." He's good for my nerves, but wonderful for my heart.

What does he do? He loves to telecommute from home. In his pajamas! Thank goodness there's no Skype involved.

He'll spend 1/2 the day holed up on the couch concentrating on all of the world's problems....

......Or at least the ones in his office, in his fuzzy blue Naval Academy robe.

Eating his snacks, drinking his iced tea....one teleconference after another, he plugs away. Comfy & snuggly.

Making his millions....... HAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaaaa........ sorry, I just wanted to see how it felt typing that. It was nice, actually. I don't regret it. OK. Do over. Achem...

Making an honest living for our family and keeping a warm roof over our heads. Thank you, Johnny. I love an appreciate you so much. You work so hard and you look adorable doing it   J

And what do Chihuahuas do???

Just a lot of this. Until supper time, when they go into full on attack mode until Johnny submits and gives them their chicken dinners. Then they go right back to doing a lot of this again. But they love and appreciate Daddy, too. Very much.

Of course, this has to be tagged as my Project 365 image.
I love this man. And I look forward to "finding the love" with him for the rest of my life

My post would not be complete if I didn't remember what my boy does. I'm so proud of him xoxo

And what I do....is I love ALL of them with all of my heart.


1 comment:

Michele said...

Sweet blog Brenda. I wish I had a smidge of your blogging dedication.